Title: IARA (Intelligent Autonomous Robotic Automobile).
Speaker: “Alberto Ferreira de Souza”
Abstract: This talk approaches the design of the first Brazilian autonomous vehicle to successfully transit in public streets and highways, with no human intervenction. The 74 kilometers path between the Goiabeiras campus, in Vitória, and the Meaípe beach, in Guarapari, was made by the autonomous vehicle developed at UFES, in the night of 12 to 13 May. It has been developed by researchers of the Laboratório de Computação de Alto Desempenho (LCAD/UFES), being named Iara (Intelligent Autonomous Robotic Automobile), with researches starting after 2009.
Short Bio: Dr. Alberto Ferreira De Souza is a Professor of Computer Science and Coordinator of the Laboratório de Computação de Alto Desempenho (LCAD – High Performance Computing Laboratory) at the Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo (UFES), Brazil. He received B. Eng. (Cum Laude) in electronics engineering and M. Sc. in systems engineering and computer science from Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (COPPE/UFRJ), Brazil, in 1988 and 1993, respectively; and Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in computer science from the University College London, United Kingdom in 1999. He has authored/co-authored one USA patent and over 130 publications. He has edited proceedings of four conferences (two IEEE sponsored conferences), and is a Standing Member of the Steering Committee of the International Conference in Computer Architecture and High Performance Computing (SBAC-PAD). Dr. De Souza held the following positions at UFES and elsewhere: Director of Research - UFES (2012-2013), Vice-President of the Administrative Council of the Espírito Santo Science and Technology Foundation (FEST - 2002-2009) – FEST, Pro-Provost of Planning and Development – UFES (2004-2008), president of the Steering Committee of the Vitória High Speed Metropolitan Area Network (METROVIX) – METROVIX (2005-2008), Director Superintendent of the Institute of Technology – UFES (2003-2004), Vice-Dean of the School of Engineering – UFES (2001-2004), Head of the Computer Science Department – UFES (2000), member of the Board of Directors of the Regional Council of Engineering of Espírito Santo (CREA-ES) – CREA-ES (1995-1996), and Computer Engineering Course Coordinator – UFES (1994-1996). Alberto Ferreira De Souza is Senior Member of the IEEE and Comendador of the Rubem Braga Order.
Title: “Cutting-edge Techniques for Performance and Scalability on Manycore Machines”
Speaker: Claude Tadonki
Abstract: High Performance Computing (HPC) aims at providing reasonably fast computing solutions to scientific and real life problems. Many efforts have been made on the way to powerful supercomputers, including generic and customized configurations. The advent of multicore architectures is noticeable in the HPC history, because it has brought the underlying parallel programming concept into common considerations. Based on multicore processors, probably enhanced with acceleration units, current generation of supercomputers is rated to deliver an increasing peak performance, the Exascale era being the current horizon. However, getting a high fraction of the available peak performance is more and more difficult. The Design of an efficient code that scales well on a supercomputer is a non-trivial task. Manycore processors are now common, and the scalability issue in this context is crucial. Code optimization requires advanced programming techniques, taking into account the specificities and constraints of the target architecture. Many challenges are to be considered from the standpoint of efficiency and expected performances. This talk will provide a synopsis of the key aspects related to parallel processing efficiency (parallel programming paradigms, code transformations, code optimization), driven by selected case studies (image processing, particles physics, combinatorial algorithms).
Short Bio: Claude Tadonki is currently senior researcher and lecturer at MINES ParisTech Institute (Paris/France). He got its PhD and its Habilitation in computer science from the University of Rennes and the University of Paris-Sud respectively. After six years of cutting-edge research in operational research and theoretical computer science at the University of Geneva (Switzerland), he relocated to France to work for EMBL, University of Paris-Sud, LAL-CNRS and then MINES ParisTech. His main research topics included High Performance Computing, Combinatorial algorithms, and Operational Research. Claude Tadonki has worked at/with several laboratories and universities, has initiated various scientific projects and national/international collaborations, has given significant number of CS courses in different contexts including industries. He acts as a reviewer for high-impact international journals and major conferences, and he has published numerous papers in journals and conferences. He has actively participated and co-organized number of international HPC conferences.